Cory Wilson is a highly-regarded and sought after defence lawyer who has established himself as one of the premier criminal defence lawyers in Calgary. He has a diverse practice representing clients charged with criminal offenses ranging from theft to murder as well as quasi-criminal and regulatory offenses. Cory has significant trial and appellate experience and has appeared at every level of court in Alberta. He has been counsel on many high-profile cases including homicides, kidnappings, significant drug seizures and the largest fraud in Canadian history.

Cory has represented individuals from all walks of life including lawyers, police officers, professional athletes, corporate executives, teachers, mechanics and everything in between. Cory strongly believes in access to justice for every person charged with a criminal offence regardless of their economic background.

Cory obtained his J.D. from the University of Calgary Law School where he focused on criminal and constitutional law. After graduation, he articled at Bennett Jones LLP, Canada’s leading corporate law firm. During his time at Bennett Jones, Cory focused on civil litigation and articled under one of Canada’s most prominent civil litigators.

Cory has had the unique benefit of being mentored and trained by some of Canada’s leading legal minds. For most of his early career in criminal law, Cory worked closely with Willie deWit Q.C., now a judge on the Alberta Court of Appeal. Cory also worked along-side Hersh Wolch Q.C. who was widely-regarded as one of the most prominent criminal lawyers in the country.

In addition to his work as a criminal defence lawyer, Cory volunteers his time working with Student Legal Assistance at the University of Calgary Law School. This non-profit legal assistance clinic is comprised of law students and provides much needed assistance to lower-income individuals facing criminal charges.


Chadwick House
1842 14th Street SW
Main Floor
Calgary, Alberta
T2T 3S9