Peace Bonds

How to Get a Peace Bond

A peace bond is often used as a protective measure if an individual is acting threateningly towards another individual, the individual’s family or their property. It can be an effective warning against making further threats or placing anyone in further danger. Otherwise, a criminal charge, fine, jail term, and a criminal record may result.

January 10th, 2022|

How Can I Remove a Peace Bond?

Do you have a peace bond ordered against you by a criminal court? You should not hesitate to discuss your options with a Calgary criminal defence law firm regarding the possibility of a peace bond removal. 

October 10th, 2019|

Will a Peace Bond be on my criminal record?

A Peace Bond is a form of resolution in which the criminal charges are withdrawn with no finding of guilt. As a result of the charges being withdrawn, the accused is left with no criminal conviction for the alleged offence...

July 15th, 2019|

What is a Peace Bond?

A Peace Bond is method of resolution in which the criminal charges are withdrawn and the accused enters into a bond with the court in which they agree to abide by certain conditions for a prescribed period of time...

July 15th, 2019|

What are the different types of Peace Bond?

There are two different types of Peace Bonds that are utilized as a form of resolution, both of which result in an accused person’s criminal charges being withdrawn. In larger cities such as Calgary and Edmonton...

July 15th, 2019|

What are Peace Bond conditions?

A Peace Bond is a protection order made by a judge if the complainant has ongoing fear of the accused (section 810 Peace Bond) or if there is a concern the accused will breach the peace (common law Peace Bond)...

July 15th, 2019|


During your free consultation, we will discuss the allegations, possible outcomes, defences to the charges and legal fees. We will also create a clear path moving forward so you completely understand what to expect.

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